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MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT | Good/Bad News For The FAR AIM Podcast

PilotGround.com | Pilot Ground LLC

Big news coming your way, folks! Our very own Lee is embarking on a thrilling new journey with a large air carrier, stepping into a thrilling world that promises plenty of intriguing experiences. As he navigates the multi-month training process, we have a unique opportunity to peek behind the curtain of what it feels like to be typed on an aircraft larger than any Lee's been typed on before. Buckle up as we prepare to bring you the rollercoaster ride of Lee's new venture.

In light of these developments, our regular episodes may become a bit sporadic. But fear not, we are committed to keeping the quality of our content as high as ever. In fact, we're sitting on some extra content that we can't wait to share with you. Think unusual audio clips, intriguing insights, and a whole lot of aviation thrill. As Lee settles into his new role and shares his adventures, we're certain that the richness of his experiences will add a new dimension to our show. So, thank you for sticking with us and get ready for a period of radio silence which promises to return with hitherto unheard tales from the sky!

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Subscribe to the Rumble channel incase we do another airplane shopping episode... (this potential episode would not show up in this podcast feed (video only)):


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Robert started his own rumble channel and is contemplating streaming some flight simulator and IT type content:


Lee is on the fence about starting a personal channel on Rumble and showcasing the flying his newly purchased aircraft. Send him an email if you would like him to do that!

Lee's Email is: FARAIM@LeeGriffing.com

Robert's Email is: FARAIM@RobertBerger.com

Scott's Online Store is: BoresAirParts.com

Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, robert here. I have been waiting to make this announcement. Scott, lee and I have been privy to some information about what was going to be happening here prior to us being able to talk about it publicly. Good and bad news for the show the foreign podcast here. Lee our very own Lee, has switched jobs was kind of in between jobs right now. He was going through an application process and got brought on by a, we'll say, a large air carrier. We don't really ever talk about Lee's job in the past or in the future as far as, like, what the actual company is, what the company doesn't matter, it's a large air carrier. So yeah, it's exciting. Lee's excited, we're excited for Lee. What that means for the show is Lee's going to be going through the process of what they call it like in dock in the biz. It's basically getting typed on a large aircraft, the largest aircraft Lee has ever been typed on. It is a multi-month process and at this point we don't know, if none of us are as familiar with that, what that looks like.

Speaker 1:

As far as being able to record episodes, scott and I are certainly not able to record episodes on our own. We have attempted it in the past. It's terrible. I would rather just not release content to you guys than have. Scott and I try to make an educational podcast for you, ladies and gentlemen who listen. So yeah, we're kind of in limbo here. It may be up to a couple months where we're silent on the show.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure Lee is going to have his equipment with him during this process and we're going to try to, on the weekends or when he has a chance, try to do some shows, but they're certainly not going to be coming out as regularly as they have been. And then when you first get on board with a major carrier, they tend to work you a lot right away. You're very low on the seniority list, so that is also going to be interesting to try to manage. So right now we're kind of out of. There's going to be one that comes out tomorrow, some extra audio I had from a recording I got some other little stuff. They're not really episodes, but I hope you guys and gals enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

We're going to try to put some stuff out there in the interim, but that normal us doing episodes, releasing them, filler clips, releasing them, that, candice, that you've come accustomed to if you're a longtime listener, that we were not going to be able to maintain that for a little bit here. But yeah, I think overall it's going to be really good for the show because Lee's going to come back, we're going to learn what here a little bit, what that interview process is like for a large air carrier, kind of what that INDoc is like, what it's like getting typed and going through that multi month training for a big type rating and a big plane. So I know a lot of listeners are into that and that's like a career goal for a lot of listeners. And even if that's not where you intend to go, we hopefully will make it interesting. I'm not interested in getting an airline job personally, but I am kind of interested in what that process is like and Lee's going to have some insight into that process because he'll have just gone through it.

Speaker 1:

And then, yeah, instead of LearJet stories it will be a much larger jet stories for his work and kind of stuff he sees and does, and it should be good. It should be good for the show, it should be good long term for the show. It's certainly good for Lee, it's a step up, from what I understand, job wise and, yeah, we're excited for him and we're excited to get back into the show, get the show back to normal once we're through all this. But yeah, it's going to be a little bit of radio silence here for a little bit. Yeah, that's all I can think of to say Thank you for listening, for the support over the years, and we fully intend to keep it going when all this is done.